Space Rangers Wiki

Codebox is a Space Rangers 2 text quest, where the great ranger must open the special safe where the skull of the Great Malokrh is stored.


Have you anything to do, Gref? We have a task for you. Our brothers from the plant of Bonnasis, situated in the system of Procyon, will celelbrate a great festival soon - The Day of the Great Maloqrch Crowning. He is the main leader of the Maloqs of that planet. The crowning is a planet wide celebration that considerably raises the fighting spirit of the inhabitants, especially if the newly crowned Maloqrch swears on the skull of Rammor Zakkarasdsky, the Frest Great Maloqrch. The problem is in that the skull is kept in a special safe, the method of opening of whihc, is, alas, lost.
I've heard that you Rangers are trained for all sorts of odd featurs like safe forcing. If you help our brothers from the planet of Bonnasis to get the skull before the crowning, we'll pay you 10000 cr. I advice you to hurry - the crowning is on 1 Decemeber 3301.


Space Rangers 2 - Codebox

Puzzle screenshot

This is the classic 15-box sliding puzzle. Although each generated puzzle for this is solvable, you have to do so within a finite number of switches. The initial state is randomly determined, as is the number of switches allowed.

The common solution is to solve boxes two at a time, starting with the top-left corner. See

If you're nearing completion but have two numbers transposed, you need to switch the positions for two of the identical numbers - while performing a corresponding switch on non-identical numbers. This may chew up a large number of moves, thus you should do so as soon as you discover something is wrong.


  • The sequence starts with a '1' in the upper-right center squares, and increases by going along the outside before finishing in the '8' in the upper-left center square. This is repeated for the bottom half, with '6' being replaced with a space.